Permatex Performance Parts

Permatex is a leading manufacturer of premium chemical product to the automotive maintenance and repair markets, product categories include gasket makers, sealants, thread lockers, adhesives, cleaners, repair kits.

Since 1909 has placed innovation at the centre of their strategy, this market-driven mentality that makes Permatex a leading-edge supplier of quality products that meet the needs of automotive enthusiasts, professional technicians, and industries alike.

Permatex currently operates in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the U.K. and exports products to more than 85 countries around the world. North American operations include the world headquarters and a state-of-the-art manufacturing, distribution, and technical center located in Solon, Ohio.

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We’re off and racing!

Our new website is here and like any good project we still need to do some tinkering under the hood.

If you encounter any speedbumps please get in touch and our team.