
Established in 2004, DeatschWerks LLC specializes in the design and manufacture of specialized high-performance fuel systems. Based in Oklahoma City and founded by David Deatsch They started out with a line of drop-in fitment fuel injectors and went on to add fuel injector servicing to their portfolio the next year. 

In 2009, they included a new line of modern muscle fuel injectors, and in the coming years, they added the 300-series in-tank fuel pumps, the DW200 and DW65c fuel pumps, and the Bosch EV14 fuel injectors. Today, DeatschWerks LLC boasts one of the most comprehensive selections of fuel system products on the market. 

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We’re off and racing!

Our new website is here and like any good project we still need to do some tinkering under the hood.

If you encounter any speedbumps please get in touch and our team.