Our Payment Methods












Our favoured payment methods are bank transfer or cash (for pick up customers) as they which incur no fees for our customers.


Bank Transfers can be sent to the following details:

Pay ID: 0428025480


Bank: National Bank of Australia

Send To: Kudos Motorsports

BSB: 084004

Acc. No: 829548174


Please include your Invoice Number KMS####### to insure we can match your payment to your order.


Alternatively, Visa, Mastercard & Amex are also available payment methods with incur a bank fee of 1.75%


We also accept PayPal which is subject to a 3% surcharge.


For International customers in addition to PayPal we accept Wise transfers, we have found they offer better exchange rates and much lower fees than their counterparts.


If you wish to use any of these alternate options, please let us know and we will update your paperwork and enable online payment via our website. 



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